Verse of the Day: John 11:25-26

🌞 Good morning!

As the dawn breaks and brings light to a new day, let our hearts be illuminated by the profound truth of the resurrection. Today, we delve into words spoken by our Savior, words that remind us of the everlasting life we can attain through faith in Him.

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📖 Verse of the Day

"Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'"


In the face of death and mourning, Jesus offered hope and assurance. Through Him, death is not the end but a doorway to eternal life. His question at the end is poignant and personal: "Do you believe this?" It calls us to introspection, to reaffirm our faith, and to rest in the promise of eternal life with Him. For every heart heavy with grief or fear, these words serve as a beacon, reminding us that in Jesus, we are promised a life that death cannot diminish.

Ask Yourself:

How does my belief in Jesus' promise of resurrection and eternal life shape the way I live today? Am I sharing this hope with those around me who might be in need of such reassurance?

🙏 Prayer of the Day

Dear Lord,

Thank You for being our unwavering source of hope. In moments of doubt, sorrow, and grief, remind me of Your eternal promise. Help me to cling to the truth that in You, death is not the end but a beginning. May my heart continuously find peace in the assurance of the eternal life You've promised, and may I share this hope with those who need it the most.

In Your loving name, I pray, Amen.

🖋 Quote of the Day

"In Christ, death itself is but a brief interlude before the joyous reunion in eternity. Our tears of sorrow will be replaced by tears of joy!"

— A.W. Tozer

Photo of the Day

🎵 Worship Song of the Day

"I Will Rise" by Chris Tomlin

Let the melody and words of this song remind you of the hope we have in Christ. Through Him, we look forward to a day where sorrow will be no more, and we will rejoice in His presence forever.

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We hope that this devotional has encouraged you and set a positive tone for your day. Remember, you are loved and cherished by God, and He is always with you.

Wishing you a blessed day,

Our Daily Verse


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