🙏 Verse of the Day: Matthew 6:33

Hello friends!

I hope this day finds you feeling blessed and loved by our Lord. May His presence fill your day with joy and purpose. Remember, you are never alone and you are always loved. God bless you today and always.

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Verse of the Day

Matthew 6:33 is a powerful reminder to prioritize our relationship with God above all else. It tells us that when we seek God and his righteousness, everything else in our lives will fall into place. This verse encourages us to put God first in our lives, and to trust that He will guide us and provide for us. When we focus on God and His kingdom, we can trust that He will take care of all the other things in our lives.

It is also remind us the importance of righteousness, means to live a life aligned with God's will and ways. When we strive to live a righteous life, we are demonstrating our love and trust in God and we are positioning ourselves to receive His blessings and guidance.

As we go through our daily lives, let us take time to reflect on this verse and its message. Let us actively strive to put God and His kingdom first in our lives, and to live in righteousness. And in doing so, we can let go of our worries and trust that God will guide and provide for us.

Prayer of the Day

Dear God,

We come to you this morning with grateful hearts, thanking you for the gift of a new day. We know that every moment is a blessing, and we are so thankful to have the opportunity to start fresh and begin anew.

As we enter this new day, we ask for your guidance and protection. Help us to stay focused on your path and to use our time wisely. We pray for strength and courage to face any challenges that may come our way, and for wisdom to make good decisions.

We give you thanks for the beauty of the sunrise, and the promise of new opportunities it brings. We thank you for the blessings of this day, and the countless ways that you will be present in our lives.

Thank you for your love and grace, which surround us always. We trust in your plan for our lives and ask that you bless us and those around us in this new day.

In your holy name we pray, Amen.

Post of the Day

Quote of the Day

"Focus on giants – you stumble. Focus on God – Giants tumble."

— Max Lucado

Shirt of the Day

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